YES Flyers 2024 – helpful guidance

One aim of the YES Flyer flight is to attract young people to the wider aviation community be it for employment to fill the skills gap, or for leisure or sport.

Passengers should be made aware that the pilot may amend or cancel the flight for any reason, including at short notice and is under no obligation to complete it.

Pilots in Command of a YES Flyer flight should assess the risks and make sure these are covered including adding the Youth & Education Support Strut, The Light Aircraft Association and airfield owners to be named on the aircraft’ insurance policy documents. (Often there is no charge for this).

Planning a Yes Flyers flight should include an assessment of:
The pilot’s currency/recency, Familiarity with the aircraft to be used and the associated emergency procedures, Aircraft weight and balance and performance calculations, The proposed location, Route, Airspace and any Operational Restrictions, Weather forecasts. The flight must be conducted in VFR by day only. Any other criteria such as youngsters with “Special Educational Needs” which should reasonably be considered as part of the overall risk assessment should be completed for each flight to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for the participant/s.

UK Youth Aviation Education